Family Services

Learn more Valerie Villalobos, MA Pack Leader and become part of our tribe!

View the full keynote with the link below starting at 2:07:00 (two hours and seven minutes)

Lobos Tribe Family Services

Salutations! Meet Our Pack Leader Valerie

Hi, my name is Valerie Villalobos, MA & Unlicensed Psychotherapist registered with DORA in the state of Colorado. Currently, working as a Service Coordinator with children with disabilities. Like all things in life, seasons change and you want to expand & grow in life when the opportunity arises. 

I am a Boricua born in PR and raised in the South Bronx. Adversity is in my blood but so is rising, fighting and overcoming it. My prayer is that I am afforded the opportunity to give a blood transfusion to those that are in need of energy to fight and strength to overcome life’s challenges and adversities.


Valerie's Experience

Dedicated Therapeutic & Community Advocate professional with 15+ years’ experience in social services, outreach program development, therapeutic counseling, teaching and coaching.

Currently hold a Master’s in Psychology, with Specialization in Criminology and Justice Studies. With certificates in different topics like: Domestic Violence, Sexual abuse and Relationship skills, etc.

And currently working towards becoming a licensed Addictions Counselor.

Lobos Tribe Services

Lobos Tribe Family Services

We serve those from ages 25-65 who are ready to go from waiting for motivation to taking control of their mental health wellness. 

Those that are ready to do what they need to versus waiting for, if they want to or not. 

Lobos Tribe Family Services

The sick and tired of being sick and tired.

Basic $45

One 30 minute phone session to get acquainted. This is an open, safe space to talk and vent out your issues with a compassionate listener.

Standard $75

One 60 minute phone session. I know more about you, now we can discuss one issue that you want advice and encouragement on what to do.

Conversations with Mom $65

One 45 minute phone session. Here you will talk to mom and get advice, encouragement or reprimands as needed. 

Premium $220

One Basic session and three 60 minute phone sessions. [2 Standard & 1 Mom sessions or 3 Standard sessions.]

 Call now Lobos Tribe, LLC and schedule your first session. 

We do this with individualized & personalized Therapeutic sessions, Empathic Listening and Theme based groups.

Packages offered are tailored to clients needs and personal goals.

- Lobos Tribe -


& El Paso County

Lobos Tribe was born from a dream of helping people.

 Helping those that are struggling to understand what is going on in their minds and hearts. For those that wake up wanting to better understand themselves and are ready to begin their journey of healing.

Valerie specializes in working with individuals, couples and families who have been impacted by life and interpersonal difficulties. She has endured trauma in her own life, which has formed her understanding, empathy and passion to serve those that are struggling. Through these difficult experiences, she has learned very important components that allow someone to develop resilience and lead a productive life.

She is blessed with a loving and supportive family. And with many others who walk along side her, in her life’s calling. She hopes to convey a warm, accepting and encouraging presence to her clients and all people around her. Her vision is that as Lobos Tribe grows, that those connected with her and her team, will have a sense of belonging and knowledge that, they are not alone in their journey.

Contact Lobos Tribe

Thanks for stopping by! Call or use the form below to use the form for a free consultation to see how I can help you and your tribe! Thank you!
